Volunteer to be a chaperone at the Sadie Hawkins Dance

Have you ever wanted to see what Student Activities is up to? If so, sign up to be a chaperone!

We have a great opportunity for you to chaperone on the Portland Spirit boats for our Sadie Hawkins Dance on Friday, Feb. 17, and Saturday, Feb. 18. If you are interested, please complete the form here.

If you have any questions, please contact Kara Holcombe at kholcombe@georgefox.edu.

Here are some more events coming up soon:

  • Movie Night: Friday, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m. in Hadlock
  • Escape Rooms: Friday, March 3, at 7 p.m. Various locations around campus
  • Tent City (Juniors Abroad): Thursday, March 9, in the quad

Contact activities@georgefox.edu with any questions about these or other events.

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