Wellness Wednesdays: ‘Here & Now’ and Microbreaks

Our “Here & Now” challenge has begun! Don’t forget to care for yourself intentionally and mindfully in the present moment and every day. Explore different ideas for mind, body, emotions, soul and finance self-care with us today and pledge to care for yourself here and now! Pledge here. 

To get started on our self-care and self-compassion journey, we are sharing the surprising power of microbreaks and why small, frequent breaks are the secret to productivity, focus and well-being.

We’ve all had those days where realize we haven’t gotten up from our chair for the past four hours. Our days are crammed from morning to late into the evening with emails, calls, chats and tasks. Work even invades our meals. We all know we need to take breaks to keep our energy levels high. Learn here how you can implement healthy microbreaks today.

Questions? Contact us at peopleandculture@georgefox.edu

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