Take part in National Care for Kids Day activities today

National Care for Kids Day, held annually on Sept. 20, offers an opportunity to positively impact a child’s life in a variety of ways both large and small, because we all know there are many ways to be a role model in a child’s life.

The spiritual life office would like to invite you into serving in two particular opportunities today (Tuesday):

  • Donate needed items (below) to the resource rooms of our Title I schools in Newberg
  • Attend the Big Bruin and Foster Parents Night Out Training (5:30-7:30 p.m. in Canyon Commons Banquet Rooms)

For the donation drive, we will be collecting full-size hygiene items to give to elementary school resource rooms. Items needed include: shampoo, conditioner, deodorants, body wash, soap, loofahs, hair brushes, combs, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

Items can be either be brought to the 5:30 p.m. training in Canyon Commons, or dropped off at the SpiL (Barclay) House (just outside the north entrance to Canyon Commons).

To learn more about Title I schools, visit this site. To learn more about events today, contact Rusty St. Cyr at rstcyr@georgefox.edu.

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