RSVP for free lunch and to help clean up Hess Creek Canyon on Sept. 23

Have you had a taste of working outside and would like another opportunity to do so again? Plant Services will be setting up a Hess Creek Canyon cleanup day once a month. For those volunteering to help us remove invasive species plants and clearing brush, we will be providing a Bon Appetit lunch.

We will announce the cleanup day each month. This month’s work day is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 23. Check in at the Thomas Center (1101 Villa Road) at 8 a.m. Work will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will continue all day, ending at 4 p.m.

The Plant Services office will be closed on the designated cleanup day. If you are interested in joining us, your RSVP is required on this form. Those wishing to have a provided lunch will need to RSVP by the end of business day on Tuesday, Sept. 20. Thank you for your consideration!

If you have questions, contact Dixie Downey at

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