Planned power outage set for next week

PGE has a power outage planned for Monday, Sept. 12, and Tuesday, Sept. 13, in the evening. Because of the Friendsview construction along Fulton Street, PGE is shutting off power for a few hours each night for buildings and homes serviced in the area while they bring the electrical system online.

Buildings affected could be: Bauman, Brougher, Duke, Fulton Street House, Minthorn, Murdock Library, Nash House, North Street Annex, Ross, Roy Apartments, Stouffer Stadium, and Wheeler.

The planned outages are Monday, Sept. 12, from 5 to 10 p.m. and Tuesday, Sept. 13, from 6 to 10 p.m. If each evening’s work is successful, the power may be restored before 10 p.m. on that night.

Remember that if the power is out in an academic building (e.g. Bauman, Duke, Minthorn, Murdock Library, North Street Annex, Ross, Wheeler, etc.), the building must be evacuated until the power is restored. This is for your safety. Thank you!

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