Drop by Canyon Commons Sunday for live jazz and swing dancing

Do you like jazz? Do you like dancing? If so, it’s time to put the two together!

Join the Swing Dance Club and Jazz Ensemble this Sunday, April 10, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in Canyon Commons for some dancing to live music!

This will be the largest event hosted by the Swing Dance Club, so if you’ve ever wanted to learn how to dance, now is the time. Even if dancing is not your thing, swing by and listen to some of the amazing music.

  • The basic lesson will run from 6:30 to 7 p.m., which is perfect for first-timers. Live music will be played for the following 45 minutes, giving you the chance to show off your skills and have some fun.
  • The intermediate lesson will go from 7:45 to 8:15 p.m., when we’ll be teaching some more stylish moves. Afterwards, we will have 45 more minutes of wonderful jazz to finish off the night.

Be sure to invite your friends. Both employees and students are welcome!

If you have any questions, please contact Mark Berglin at mberglin19@georgefox.edu.

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