Celebrate Holy Week with ‘The Saint John’s Bible’ sessions

Join professor Paul Anderson as he highlights selections from The Saint John’s Bible in the Murdock Library today (Friday) and during Holy Week.

Each day, Paul will feature a new page and prayer from 12:55 to 1 p.m. The event will conclude on Friday, April 15, when he conducts a “Turning of the Page” session (covering the entirety of Vol. 6, Gospels and Acts) from 4 to 4:30 p.m. as a culmination of Holy Week.

Here are the pieces to be featured:

  • Friday, April 8: “Call of the Disciples”
  • Monday, April 11: “Raising of Lazarus”
  • Tuesday, April 12: “Eucharist”
  • Wednesday, April 13: “Crucifixion”
  • Thursday, April 14: “Resurrection”
  • Friday, April 15: “Road to Emmaus”

Contact Paul at panderso@georgefox.edu with any questions.

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