Biochemistry faculty candidate speaks this afternoon in Hoover 105

All are invited to listen to our biochemistry faculty candidate, Pam Beilby, present her research at 2 p.m. today (Monday) in Hoover 105. Her talk is titled “Glutathione and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).”

Glutathione is the primary non-enzymatic antioxidant in mitochondria. Mitochondrial function, as well as the mitochondrial pool of glutathione, diminishes significantly with age and in many disease states, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Traditional efforts to elevate cellular glutathione levels typically raise cytosolic levels, but fail to impact the mitochondrial pool of glutathione. To address this limitation, we have designed glutathione derivatives conjugated to a triphenylphosphonium moiety to enhance delivery directly to mitochondria.

Direct any questions to Vetta Berokoff at

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