Recommend ARC’s resources to help your students start the semester strong

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is here to help students with writing, study skills, test-taking strategies, time management, and more. Here’s what you can do to help your students get off to a strong start this semester:

  • Include the ARC syllabus statement provided on the Faculty Online Resources site
  • Talk about the ARC during your classes (before major papers are due)
  • Recommend academic coaching as a way to get support with accountability, time management, study skills, and more
  • Consider requiring a visit to the ARC for one of your papers. If you are requiring a visit, please email Hannah Jackson ( to make sure the ARC schedule and consultants are prepared to meet your students’ needs.

The ARC will be offering an in-class visit with an ARC consultant for a five-minute presentation about the ARC to answer your students’ questions.

If you have any questions or are interested in having an ARC consultant visit your class, contact Hannah Jackson at

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