Here are a few reminders about thermostats

Are you enjoying the fall weather? If your on-campus housing is too cold, did you know that you (or your RA) have control of the thermostats in your area?

Please contact your RA if you’re unsure where your thermostat is located or if you don’t know how to adjust the temperature in your living space. The RA can place a work order with Plant Services if the thermostat creating a heat request is unresponsive. Ask your RA if you don’t know where the heat source (vent or radiator) is located in the room.

Some helpful things to keep in mind:

  • Leaving a window open with the heat on may create problems with regulating heat for a space, so keep the windows closed if the heat is on.
  • Close and lock your windows before leaving your room for safety and for comfort.
  • Temperatures take time to raise or lower, so adjust the heat settings in small increments.
  • Don’t set the thermostat control higher than the temperature desired.
  • Covering a thermostat will restrict its ability to accurately detect the temperature in the room, so keep the area around the thermostat clear. (Don’t hang anything from or over the thermostat.)
  • Don’t block heat registers. Don’t place a dresser or cabinet on top of the vent, and make sure furniture does not block vents located on the floor or wall.
  • Keep flammable materials such as paper and fabric away from hot surfaces (like a radiator).

Plant Services wants you to be comfortable and safe. Thank you!

If you have any questions, contact Dixie Downey at

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