Podcast available to learn more about those who are neurodiverse

Disability & Accessibility Services would like to recommend a podcast, entitled “Creating Successful Learning Experiences for Students Who Identify as Neurodiverse,” given by Dr. Siva priya Santhanam.

If you want to learn more about neurodiverse individuals’ experiences, such as those with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more, this a great introduction. The podcast also includes some attainable adjustments that can be made to classes or experiences before they start to make them more accessible to all individuals.

Want to discuss this further? Join a follow-up conversation with DAS on Wednesday, April 14, from 11 a.m. to noon on Zoom. We’ll discuss the podcast and brainstorm ways to make classes and other campus experiences more accessible to neurodiverse individuals.

Questions? Contact Andrea Byerley at abyerley@georgefox.edu.

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