Submit your D&D concept to Critical Hit Club’s creativity contest

Over the course of the next two weeks, the Critical Hit Club will be having a creativity contest. It is open to all students and faculty, with dungeon masters judging the competition.

There are two ways you can win:

  • Campaign Setting: From grand maps to simple plot lines, we want to see what creative ideas you have in store for a game world in Dungeons and Dragons.
  • Characters: We want to see your cool ideas for characters, from the most dashing swashbuckling Tiefling to the quiet, bookish Elven Scholar.

Send your character sheet, character concept, drawings, and other aspects that highlight your ideas for a chance to win! Entries will be accepted through Friday, April 16.

The winners will receive their choice of a Gun Metal die set from Easy Roller Dice.

Send submissions to Alex Gonzalez (

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