Support ‘George Fox Gives’ to help fund financial aid and campus programs

In April, the university will launch our second annual month-long fundraising campaign, “George Fox Gives.” This campaign will impact our students through funding financial aid opportunities and campus programs which support student retention.

This year, our goal is to raise $150,000 in support of 11 different funding opportunities that directly support:

  • Student Success Initiatives
  • Racial Diversity and Equity Initiatives, and
  • Scholarships

Each week we will highlight a few funds currently empowering our students to achieve exceptional life outcomes. Be on the lookout for our weekly Daily Bruin announcements to learn what each fund offers and how you may join us in supporting our students.

Click here to learn more about the “George Fox Gives” campaign.

Questions? Contact Lindsey Coates ( or 503-554-2120).

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