Inappropriate behaviors on campus and personal safety tips

Recently some non-students were attempting to interview students with a microphone taped to a sex toy. These individuals were caught. We do not condone such behavior and always investigate to the best of our abilities to prevent or stop inappropriate activities on campus.

While there are many things in the world that are concerning, we want you to know you do not have to go through it alone. When harassment, bullying, bias-crimes, assault, sexual violence, theft of property, or other issues occur, we want you to know that Campus Public Safety is only a phone call away.

In an ongoing effort to ensure our community is a safe place to both learn and work together, your Campus Public Safety Department wants to remind you of some resources, such as Fox’s anti-harassment policy and personal safety guidelines, should you ever feel unsafe on our campus.

As always, we have officers on duty 24/7. Call immediately at 503-554-2090 should you ever feel unsafe or witness a crime.

Questions? Contact Elrike Shaw at 

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