All invited to participate in Ash Wednesday services today

Today (Wednesday), marks the beginning of the season of Lent, the season in the Christian church when we remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying, prior to the beginning of his ministry.

Many Christians choose to observe Lent by participating in an intentional spiritual practice, such as fasting, Scripture reading, prayer, generosity, or service. It is a season set aside for repentance and acknowledgment of human weakness, toward greater trust in the Savior.

The season of Lent begins today and ends on Easter Sunday, April 4. The university pastors invite you to observe this time with us in one of the following ways:

  • Ash Wednesday
    • The university pastors will be available at two stations on campus for COVID-safe distribution of ashes. We will be at a table on the quad and outside of the SpiL House from noon to 1:30 p.m.
  • Ash Wednesday Worship Service
    • Worship will be held from 4:30 to 5 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium. Due to limited seating, please reserve your spot on the iAttended app (undergrads only).
  • Lenten Scripture Reading Guide
    • This daily Scripture reading guide will be available on the SpiL webpage from Feb. 16 to April 4.
  • Life Groups
    • These seven-week Life Groups are available for undergraduates and begin the week after Ash Wednesday and conclude the week after Easter. We are offering digital groups and hybrid groups. Click here to learn more.
  • Holy Week opportunities

Questions or want to meet with a university pastor? Contact the Office of Spiritual Life ( or 503-554-2320). May the Lord bless you!

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