Updated policy on face coverings (including face shields)

George Fox has updated its face-covering policy to meet new state guidelines.

Students, faculty, staff, vendors and visitors must use face coverings when in the following locations:

  • Enclosed public and common areas
  • Outdoor areas where physical distancing is not easily maintained

“Face covering” means a cloth, polypropylene, paper or other face covering that covers the nose and the mouth and that rests snugly above the nose, below the mouth, and on the sides of the face. Appropriate face coverings include two-layered face masks or gaiters.

The following are not approved face coverings because they allow droplets to be released:

  • Masks with valves or vents for exhalation
  • Lace masks or other coverings with openings, holes, visible gaps in the design or material
  • Masks with valves or vents for exhalation

“Face shield” means a clear plastic shield that covers the forehead, extends below the chin, and wraps around the sides of the face. Mini face shields that only cover the mouth are not permitted.

Face shields may be used:

  • When presenting in front of a class or audience so long as you maintain six feet of distance at all times.  If you are closer or likely to be closer than six feet, you must wear a face mask.
  • For employees who have work spaces that are cubicles or in common areas without a door, provided they maintain at least six feet of distance from others (they must put on a face mask when working with another individual in their workspace or if they leave their workspace).
  • If you have a medical condition preventing masks
  • If you are working with the hearing impaired so they can lip read

Employees and students should switch back to face masks when not in the above four circumstances.

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