Temporary parking permits available

Students who need to bring a car to campus temporarily or those who need to bring a different car to campus, other than the one that is registered, need to obtain a temporary parking permit from the Campus Public Safety office.

These permits are free of charge and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are available for a two-week period after which a permit must be purchased if you still wish to park on campus.

Please do not park on campus without a temporary permit, and please do not park in the neighborhoods. Due to crowded adjacent city streets, George Fox requests that all employees, students, and visitors only park in the designated facilities on campus.

This is a way for George Fox to be a responsible member of the Newberg community and promote a positive witness. Thank you for your help in this area!

Questions? Call 503-554-2090 or email Elrike Shaw (eshaw@georgefox.edu).

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