Attend virtual discussion: ‘The Academic Vocation in a Post-2020 World: An Ecumenical Dialogue’

Sue O’Donnell, the campus representative to the board for the Christian Scholar’s Review, wants to invite anyone who is interested to a panel discussion. As you may know, George Fox is one of CSR’s most consistent sponsors, which makes this discussion relevant to our community.

Christian Scholar’s Review is pleased to announce “The Academic Vocation in a Post-2020 World: An Ecumenical Dialogue,” a virtual panel discussion on Saturday, Nov. 14, from 8 to 9:15 a.m. (PST) 

The event is available at no charge. In the interest of security, participants need to register here. Shortly after doing so, registrants will receive a link for the event. For security reasons, the organizers ask that people register and then use the link they receive. 

Panel members will consider questions such as:

  • Will 2020 be the beginning of a tipping point for Christ-centered higher education?
  • How will our institutions align their organizational callings with the vocational calling that faculty believe that they have received in this environment?
  • What has 2020 taught us to hold onto and what must be transformed for institutions to survive with their mission intact?
  • Following a 55-minute discussion, audience members will also have the chance to pose questions. 

For further details, please click here and/or contact the publisher of Christian Scholar’s Review, Todd C. Ream, at

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