COVID-19 tests available by appointment

The Health and Counseling Center has three different COVID-19 testing options available, some of which are free. If you feel sick and have any of these symptoms…

  • Fever of 100.4 or greater
  • Difficulty breathing (unrelated to Asthma or physical exertion)
  • Loss of sense of taste or smell

… and believe you may have COVID-19, please call the Health and Counseling Center to discuss your options or make an appointment at 503-554-2340.

The free test is a nose swab (not the deep nose probe), and is a rapid test with results in 15 minutes. This antigen test is most accurate at the onset of symptoms and up to seven days after onset.

This test does not meet the requirement for travel into the state of Hawaii and may not meet other travel clearance requirements; therefore, we will not be offering this test for travel purposes.

Questions? Contact the Health Center at the above number.

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