Fire system testing will be done in Roberts Center

Plant Services will be doing fire system testing in the Roberts Center Tuesday through Thursday, Feb. 11-13. The testing will start after noon on Tuesday and Wednesday, and after 9 a.m. on Thursday.

Every detector will be tested (hallways, offices and classrooms). The strobes and horns will be silenced during the testing, but the control panel will beep a notification.

What is the test? A Plant Services technician will be spraying simulated smoke by every detector head. When the detector notices the smoke, the panel will beep. (There is no way to silence the panel.)

On Thursday, Feb. 13, Plant Services will return after 5 p.m. to test the strobes and horns. During this test, the horns will sound for 30 minutes and will be very unpleasant. The testing will be over by 6:30 p.m. that evening.

Thank you for your patience as we ensure your safety! Questions? Contact Dixie Downey at

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