Makers introduce new talk series

The College of Engineering invites the George Fox community to the first MakeXplorations maker talk.

Please join the engineers-craftsmen of Portland Guitar on Wednesday, Nov. 20, from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Engineering Maker Hub for a night of guitars, science and art. Acoustic quirks abound as a guitar’s sound is deconstructed and rebuilt.

The presentation will be led by Jay Dickinson, who holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, more than 25 years’ experience in corporate physics and engineering positions, plus a lifetime of woodworking and artistic craftsmanship used to make guitars under the name Portland Guitar. Multiple examples of his work will be present for enjoyment after the presentation. 

MakeXplorations is presented by the College of Engineering for the purpose of stimulating the curiosity and creativity of our growing maker community and bringing honor to the ultimate Maker, our Creator God. Makers will present on topics which explore the craft and purpose of their creations, as well as their motivation for making.   

Questions? Contact Katherine Morland at

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