‘The Wineskin’ submission deadline is today

Remember to send in your submissions for The Wineskin today (Friday) in order for your work to be considered for our spring issue!

There is no theme for this semester – just send us your best poems, stories, essays and artwork. The editors are open to a wide range of styles and subject matter, but we are particularly looking for work that pushes boundaries and surprises us with its artistic approach and perspective of the world.

Submission guidelines:

  • Poetry and prose manuscripts must be submitted as a Word document, in Times New Roman 12-point font. Please title your pieces and remove your name from the document.
  • Limit all prose to 1,000 words and send no more than five poems per submission.
  • For artwork: Files should be named as the title of your piece followed by your name. Please remove all watermarks from your work.

Please submit all poetry, prose, photography and artwork online through this link.

Questions? Contact Hannah Dierdorff at hdierdorff15@georgefox.edu.

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