Join in on discussion about gentrification tomorrow night

Intercultural Life is partnering with the Black Student Union for Black History Month to put together next week’s Matheteis! Join us at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20, in Canyon Commons 103.

Matheteis is a discussion forum that comes from the Greek word for disciple. Our goal is to provide space for faculty, staff/administrators and students to discuss difficult topics in a cross-disciplinary approach that leads to learning and understanding.

We invite four panelists who are given two to three prompt questions ahead of time. After panelists have an opportunity to discuss the prompt questions, audience participants can also ask questions and join the discussion.

The topic will be the issue of gentrification. We want to engage in dialogue about the effects that less affluent communities experience in the process of renovating urban areas. Come join us for good conversation, snacks, and chapel credit!

Contact Brianna Martin-Ortega ( for more information.

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