Interested in studying business abroad? Come to info meeting Oct. 25

All are welcome to the next International Business Institute informational meeting, scheduled from 4 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 25, in Hoover 102.

The International Business Institute is designed specifically with business in mind for a unique study abroad experience. The program incorporates the international dimensions of business and culture by integrating academic study with international field experience. The program is 10 weeks in length and includes periods of residence in key locations as well as coordinated visits and presentations in the major political and economic centers of Russia, The European Union, India and China.

Though the meeting begins at 4 p.m., stop by anytime during the session to learn about these exciting opportunities that build skills and competency in global business and cultural awareness, a critical need for today’s business careers.

Contact Annette Nemetz ( for more information.

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