Reminder: Sign up for 125 Days of Wellness Challenge
Come and join us for the 125 Days of Wellness Challenge. What is it, exactly? It’s a George Fox University all-employee challenge to get moving! It’s a battle between teams for the most points. The winning team will take home George Fox swag, and the winning individual will take home a Fit Bit.
The challenge starts on Feb. 1, 2017, and runs for 125 days, ending on June 5. Teams will consist of between four to six people. Go to this link to sign up. Registration is open now and will close on Friday, Feb. 10. You can request to be assigned to a miscellaneous team or you can request to be on a team with a friend/coworker.
To view the point system, go the 125 Days of Wellness Challenge section on the bottom of this page. Not really a walker? No problem. You can view a conversion chart here to see how other activities calculate into steps. Let’s get moving, have some fun, and get healthier!
– Brought to you by the Staff Development Committee