All welcome to Woolman Peacemaking Forum on April 12

The university’s Center for Peace and Justice welcomes Stuart Willcuts, Mercy Corps country director in Ukraine, to speak at the 2016 John Woolman Peacemaking Forum on Tuesday, April 12. Our theme this year is “Fostering Peace and Justice Through the Lens of Service.”

Stuart, a 1972 alumnus of George Fox, has dedicated his life to promoting peace and reconciliation during complex humanitarian crisis events. He will speak on restoring hope to the most vulnerable during chapel in Bauman Auditorium at 10:50 a.m.

The evening event, at 7 p.m. in Hoover 105, is open to the community. Stuart will share real-life stories about his courageous work as a disciple of Christ serving the world. He will also be presented the John Woolman Peacemaking Award for his lifetime of international humanitarian service to those who have been marginalized by and suffered from war and oppression.

Contact Laurie Fair ( with any questions.

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