Dr. Keith Dempsey to speak on ‘subverting stereotypes’ (chapel credit offered)

Dr. Keith Dempsey, chair of the George Fox counseling program at the Portland campus, is coming to speak about how society views African American men. “Brothers, Can We Talk?” is an honest conversation which highlights how many institutions of higher education proclaim to embrace diversity but many black men continue to have challenging experiences on university and college campuses. Come to hear the trials and triumphs of black men who have navigated the waters of higher education. Students are eligible to receive an elective chapel credit.

Dr. Dempsey will be speaking on the Newberg campus in the Cap and Gown Room from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25.

Contact Danayit Tsegay (dtsegaye15@georgefox.edu) with questions.

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