About Our People

Jamie Johnson (Spiritual Life) graduated with his PhD in Christian education from Biola University on Dec. 20. His dissertation studied faculty perceptions of collegiality and organizational culture at denominationally affiliated Christian colleges in the Pacific Northwest. Results of his research can be requested by emailing him at jejohnson@georgefox.edu.

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem “Santa’s Stuck” was reprinted in DM ~ Weihnachtsmarkt (Dec. 6, 2013), a Christmas Kindle book of send-up short fiction and poems from past issues of Danse Macabre. In addition, Ed’s poem “Marie Antoinette‘s Angel Food Cake Recipe” appeared in the November 2013 issue of Red River Review, and his poem “summer fields” appeared in the December 2013 issue of the New Hampshire Institute of Art’s Ayris: Art & Literary Magazine.

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) essay on “The Jesus of History, the Christ of Faith, and the Gospel of John,” was published in The Gospels: Historical and Christological Research, a two-volume collection of the papers presented at the Ratzinger Symposium at the Pontifical Lateran University in October, where Paul gave a copy of his new book, Following Jesus: The Heart of Faith and Practice, to Pope Francis. Paul also presented a paper on “The Purpose(s) of the Fourth Gospel” in the Johannine Literature Section of the Society of Biblical Literature meetings held in Baltimore in November. At those meetings, Paul also contributed a review of The Oxford Handbook of Quaker Studies in the Quaker Research Group and responded to reviews of his book, Following Jesus, in the Quaker Theological Discussion Group.

In addition, he chaired a session and responded to papers in the John, Jesus, and History joint session with the Synoptic Gospels Section on the subject, “Jesus Remembered in the Gospels of John and Luke.” Paul had helped to organize a conference before those meetings at St. Mary’s Theological Seminary, celebrating the contributions of C.H. Dodd and Raymond Brown; Paul chaired a Thursday-evening plenary session regarding the ongoing legacy of Raymond Brown and also shared his own contribution. Following the SBL sessions, Paul was invited to speak in a class on early Christianity at Princeton University hosted by Elaine Pagels; she asked him to speak on how the Quaker movement sought to restore the Christian movement to its pre-Constantinian vitality.

Mary Monahan (Alumni Relations) was named Employee of the Month for December.

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