Musician and theologian Jeremy Begbie visits campus Nov. 18-19

The university’s College of Christian Studies and William Penn Honors Program invite all to a free presentation, “Re-Tuned by God: The Future of Worship,” featuring Jeremy Begbie of Duke Divinity School and Wolfson College, Cambridge, at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18, in Bauman Auditorium.

Begbie will speak, perform, and use recorded music and visual material to explore the way the New Testament helps us understand more deeply some of the basic components of worship. He is a professionally trained musician and theologian who has taught in the United Kingdom and North America and delivered multimedia performance lectures around the world.

In addition to his Monday performance, Begbie will speak as a guest of the music and religion departments on Tuesday, Nov. 19, from 4 to 5 p.m. in Ross 208. The “Intellectual Feast” session is also open to the university community free of charge.

Begbie, described as “a musician and theologian par excellence” by N.T. Wright, is the inaugural holder of the Thomas A. Langford Research Professorship in Theology at Duke Divinity School and a senior member at Wolfson College, Cambridge. More information and a video of Begbie is available here.

Questions? Contact Joseph Clair at ext. 2153 or

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