Part-time work opportunity available

We have an exciting opportunity for you! LEAP Marketplace is a Senior Business Capstone start-up, and we are offering you an opportunity to make at least $15 an hour if you lend us your educational talents.

LEAP stands for Lessons, Educational Help, Advising and Preparatory. LEAP Marketplace will be a place where students K-12 can receive educational support for almost any subject from students at a local university or college. Right now we are recruiting qualified students to come on board as independent tutors.

The schedules for our tutors are dependent on their schedules and what the customer requests, so it’s very flexible! We are mainly looking for George Fox students who are science, English, math, history, or any of the core subject majors.

Also, we are looking for any music major, or anybody comfortable teaching an instrument they know really well to hop on board with us to be a music lesson instructor. Payment for this varies based on what you request.

However, we are considering bringing on board people with majors that are in less of a demand, which some people may eventually request help for (i.e. psychology, art, engineering).

If you would like to learn more about this opportunity and receive an application, please e-mail We look forward to hearing from you!

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