About Our People

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) college group, the Boanerges (Sons of Thunder), sang at the homecoming of Malone University Oct. 11-13, and Paul was honored as distinguished alumnus. His essay, “The Community That Raymond Brown Left Behind: Reflections on the Johannine Dialectical Situation,” was published on the Bible and Interpretation website, where his essay on “The John, Jesus, and History Project-New Glimpses of Jesus and a Bi-Optic Hypothesis” (Feb. 2010) continues to be among the most viewed essays – the most viewed last June. Also, Paul’s essay, “‘Come and See!’—Philip as a Connective Figure in the Fourth Gospel in Polyvalent Perspective,” appeared in Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel. Later this month, Paul will present a paper at the Vatican conference on The Gospels: Historical and Christological Studies on the topic, “The Jesus of History, the Christ of Faith, and the Gospel of John.”

Kenn Willson (Music) performed a solo concert at Lower Columbia College in Longview, Wash., on Sunday, Oct. 20, and worked with pianists in a master class on Oct. 19. Kenn is also the Oregon State Music Teachers National Association competition chair. The MTNA will host a competition this Saturday, Nov. 2, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Ross 208, Ross 210 and Bauman Auditorium. It is open to the public at no cost. The winners from this competition advance to the divisional round, and from there, to nationals. A recital at approximately 5 p.m. on Saturday will feature the winners from the competition.

Rodney Birch (Library – Newberg) was re-elected by the membership to serve as vice president on the board of directors of the Association of Christian Librarians during the ACL’s 57th annual conference this summer. Rodney was also recognized for his seven years of voluntary service on the Financial Advisory Committee, which involves budget preparation and finance-related policies. Also, Rodney and Jane Scott (Library-Newberg) co-presented a workshop, “Employing Pedagogical Imagination with Open Educational Resources,” at the same annual conference, hosted at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego.

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