About Our People

Bill Buhrow (Health and Counseling/Dean of Student Services) was selected president of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies at the organization’s annual international conference in Portland April 5. Reporting to the board of directors, the president provides the strategic vision, organizational leadership, financial management, and program coordination necessary to maintain and further develop the goals of the association. CAPS is the nation’s largest nonprofit association of Christians in the counseling and behavioral sciences.

Keith Dempsey and Richard Shaw (Graduate Counseling) attended Mutual of America’s Foundation Community Partnership Award Luncheon on April 25 at The Heathman Lodge in Vancouver, Wash., where they received an award on behalf of the Graduate Department of Counseling for its partnership with Community Services Northwest and The Wellness Project. George Fox has student interns at Community Services Northwest, which provides valuable, free counseling for the community.

Kathy Heininge just published her article, “Coming and Going: Eavan Boland and the Ablative,” in Breac, an online journal of Irish studies out of Notre Dame. She has also published an article, “Reading John McGahern,” in Anvil Lit Review, a journal published at Boise State. Finally, her article “Guinness Go Leor: The Authenticity of Irish Pubs” is forthcoming in a volume entitled “Changes in Contemporary Ireland,” which should be out next month from Palgrave.

Mark McMinn (Graduate Psychology) was presented the Christian Association for Psychological Studies’ highest honor, the “Distinguished Member Award,” at the CAPS international conference in Portland on April 5. The award stated that Mark’s writings in the field of Christian psychology “are some of the most profound contributions of our generation.”

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem “Morning Worship” is in the April 2013 issue of Looseleaf Tea, a California quarterly literature and arts online journal. Ed also had his poem “My Father Teaches Me To Drink Straight Shots” published in Redux, an “invitation-only literary journal of writers’ favorite, previously published stories and poems.”

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) has received a Fulbright Specialist Award supporting his service as a guest lecturer, consultant and researcher at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands for two weeks this summer and four weeks next summer. He will lecture on models of leadership in the New Testament, gospel traditions, and a “Fourth Quest for Jesus,” making use of the Gospel of John.

In addition, Paul has successfully founded (with Alan Culpepper) a new Johannine Monograph Series with Wipf & Stock, charged with publishing classic books on the writings of John in original or revised form. Paul also presented recently on “The First Fifty Years of Quaker Religious Thought” at the annual meeting of Quakers United in Publication held at Camp Menucha in Corbett, Ore. Finally, a book published in a series he edits (E.J. Brill’s Biblical Interpretation Series), Retelling Scripture: ‘The Jews’ and the Scriptural Citations in John 1:19-12:15, by Ruth Sheridan of Australia, won a 2013 Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise, sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation, to be presented in Heidelberg, Germany, in May.

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