Film ‘God Loves Uganda’ shown on campus Thursday

This Thursday, April 11, at 7 p.m., the George Fox community is welcome to a special advance screening of a controversial new film documentary that looks at the influence of American evangelicals on the society and politics of Uganda, one of Africa’s poorest nations.

God Loves Uganda premiered two months ago at the prestigious Sundance Festival and is currently being shown at different film festivals across the country. It won’t be shown in the general public for several months, but it has been seen at Biola University and Fuller Seminary. Our campus showing will be in Hoover 105.

The trailer for the film can be viewed here.

The movie is free – as are the locally made delicious cupcakes and refreshments – and is relatively short (83 minutes long). Afterwards, there will be a talk-back session featuring Steve Sherwood, Abigail Rine and Michael MacLeod.

This film addresses controversial topics regarding the interplay of Christian evangelism, questions of sexual morality (particularly homosexuality), colonialism and politics. It presents its case strongly and, in some cases, includes intense language and graphic imagery. The sponsors of the film recognize some of this may be unsettling to watch, but believe the film raises important issues for a Christian community like George Fox to consider and discuss.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael MacLeod, director of international studies, at or 503-554-2675.

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