Urban Outreach seeks help in creating care packages

At the end of next week Urban Outreach will be putting together care packages for our friends living on the streets of Portland and Salem. To those of you who helped in the coin drive, thank you! That will help a lot toward the cost. I don’t know that we can afford to put everything into them that I had hoped, though. So here’s the plan: I’ll let you all in on the creation of these packages.

Following is a list of items I hope to put in each package.

Travel size of the following: shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, comb, floss, one large black trash bag (believe me, it comes in handy), one or two travel-size packs of wet wipes and a pair of socks

One mini care kit containing: Q-tips, Band-Aids, cotton balls, sterilizing swabs and medical tape

Please e-mail me if you would like to contribute any quantity of the items on this list, or if you have ideas about something else to include. I have thought of including small pocket New Testaments, or at least having them available.

Let’s see what God does!

God bless,
Mary Owen (mowen10@georgefox.edu)

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