Backpack Project food drive begins Monday at Portland Center

The Portland Center food drive for the Northeast Portland Backpack Lunch Program begins Monday, March 4!

The program serves more than 170 students at four Northeast Portland schools. Oregon hunger statistics are higher than the national average. We can’t solve this problem completely, but our community can make a world of difference to this group of children!

From March 4 through March 15, please bring your food donations to the bins provided in the lobby of the Portland Center. Suggested items include: cans of chili, soup, ravioli in meat sauce, boxes of mac & cheese, small juice boxes (100 percent juice only, no foil containers), individual serving fruit cups, healthy snacks, small packages of dried fruits, oatmeal cups, etc.

Monetary donations can be made at the Information Desk. A $100 donation sponsors a child for weekend meals for the entire school year. Donation checks made out to Fremont United Methodist Church will be tax deductible.

Questions? Contact Emily Maynard at

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