Paul Anderson presents at ‘Intellectual Feast’ this afternoon

The campus community is invited to an “Intellectual Feast” this afternoon (Tuesday) from 4 to 5 p.m. in Hoover 250. Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) will be presenting “A Bi-Optic Hypothesis.”

For a century and a half, the leading gospel-composition theory among New Testament scholars (the Synoptic Hypothesis) has sought to explain possible relations between Matthew, Mark and Luke — leaving out the Gospel of John. In recent years, Anderson sought to advance a theory that explains the place of John among the gospels.

Seeing John and Mark as having two different perspectives from day one, Anderson’s “Bi-Optic Hypothesis” identifies particular relations between John and each of the other gospel traditions, leading to a new overall theory of gospel composition. Paul will outline this theory and its implications.

Coffee, tea and cookies will be provided. All are welcome!

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