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Cherice Bock (Religious Studies/Seminary) is writing a paper, “Wisdom and Love: A Theological Basis for Quaker Ecological Action,” for this month’s American Academy of Religion meetings in Chicago. The paper, for the Quaker Studies Group at AAR, is coauthored by Rebecca Artinian-Kaiser.

Tom Head (Economics) was the keynote speaker for an all-day workshop on “Envisioning an Ethical Economy” presented by Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon in Portland on Nov. 17.

Ed Higgins’ (English) prose poem “Finding Paradise” is in the current issue of The Red River Review, a Texas-based online quarterly literary journal.

Michael MacLeod (Political Science and International Studies) made a presentation, “Scaling Environmental Sustainability Through Investor-Driven Financial Market Governance: Shareholder Activism in Canada and the US,” at the Sixth Annual International Conference on Business & Sustainability at Portland State University on Nov. 9. His review of William T. Cavanaugh’s “Migrations of the Holy: God, State and the Political Meaning of the Church” will be published in the next edition of the academic journal Politics and Religion.

Mark McLeod-Harrison’s (Religious Studies) article, “Relaxed Naturalism and Caring About the Truth,” will be published in the spring 2013 issue of Forum Philosophicum.

Have e-Colleague news to share? Send it to Sean Patterson at spatterson@georgefox.edu.

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