School of Business hosts free financial seminar Sept. 21

The university community is invited to a free presentation, “Financially Alive: Wealth Creation, Social Responsibility, Biblical Values,” scheduled from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Portland Center on Friday, Sept. 21.

The event, the latest installment of the School of Business’ Speaker Series, will feature Chris Meade, director of George Fox’s MBA programs and an assistant professor of management. In his presentation, he addresses the question, “We are living in times of unprecedented change and a shifting of the global economy. Is it possible to not just survive but actually thrive in this new economy?”

Based on Meade’s latest book, Financially Alive: Wealth Creation. Social Responsibility. Biblical Values, the workshop is a mix of ancient wisdom literature, modern MBA business thinking, and 21st-century leadership principles. Meade’s talk on finances comes alive with his use of “white board scribbles” – visual, image-based original whiteboard artwork – throughout his presentation.

Those interested in attending are asked to R.S.V.P. by Sept. 14 by filling out a registration form at this link. More information is also available by calling Darla Norgren at 503-554-6176. The event includes free coffee and tea.

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