Housing needed for guest artist Aaron Strumpel

George Fox’s Center for Peace & Justice has invited artist/musician Aaron Strumpel to be part of the in-residence program and act as the artist practitioner in-residence for the fall semester.

We’ve had a last-minute housing cancellation and need to procure a place for Aaron for the semester in order to welcome him to George Fox. We are asking for donated housing if at all possible for the duration of his stay (he is donating his time to the university), but we will also seek to meet minimal overhead costs as needed.

The ideal living situation would be a space with enough privacy where Aaron could practice his music late at night without disturbing neighbors (or those in the house). Please pass this request to friends and family whom you think might be willing to help host this talented and wonderful musician in Newberg.

For more information, please e-mail Clint Baldwin (cbaldwin@georgefox.edu) or Melanie Newell (mnewell@georgefox.edu) or call 503-554-2686.

Click here to see Aaron’s GFU Center for Peace & Justice in-residence page.

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