About Our People

In June, Lori DeKruyf (Counseling) was in Minneapolis for the American School Counseling Association’s national conference and presented a three-hour training titled “Put a Shine on Your Comprehensive School Counseling Program with a Brief Narrative Counseling Approach” with George Fox school counseling alumna Jacinta Nafziger.

Gary Tandy (English) published an article, “The Stylistic Achievement of Mere Christianity,” in the 2011-12 volume of Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal.

Laura Gifford (Scholar in Residence in History Department) co-edited (with Daniel K. Williams) the recently released book The Right Side of the Sixties (Palgrave Macmillan). According to the publisher, “This volume offers a new perspective on American conservatism in the 1960s and the way in which the changes of the decade shaped the development of American politics for the next half-century.”

Rick Muthiah (Learning Support Services) and Martha Wood (Residence Life) presented “Campus Community for All: Accessibility of Campus Programming & Housing” at the June annual conference of the Association for Christians in Student Development, held at Taylor University in Upland, Ind. The workshop focused on program access for students with visible and invisible disabilities.

Joel Perez (Dean of Inclusion and Leadership/Chief Diversity Officer) was interviewed and featured on Duke Divinity’s Faith & Leadership website. Joel shared on the topic “God intended there to be color.” The interview and a video are featured on the Faith & Leadership site.

Ed Higgins (English) published a poem, “The Essence Of Story,” in the Spring 2012 Concho River Review, a semi-annual literary journal from Angelo State University.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) was granted candidacy within the Fulbright Specialist Program as an international religion and peace scholar. He was also asked to be an associate editor in Theology, Religious Studies for Versita – Emerging Sciences Publishers in Poland, and was invited to be an external research collaborator for the faculty of theology of North-West University in South Africa (Potchefstroom-Campus).

Paul also presented a paper on “Encounter, Dissonance, and Reflection in the Dialectical Development of Paul’s Theology” in the New Testament and Hellenistic Section of the Pacific Northwest AAR/SBL/ASOR Meetings at Concordia University. Essays recently published include: “Discernment-Oriented Leadership in the Johannine Situation – Abiding in the Truth versus Lesser Alternatives,” in Rethinking the Ethics of John and “The Suffering Servant of Isaiah in Cognitive-Critical Perspective: Logotherapy and the Bible” in Psychological Hermeneutics for Biblical Themes and Texts.

More recently, Paul was interviewed on the program “Plus or Minus 60” on July 27. The show is broadcast on TV and radio in the Canton and Dover/New Philadelphia areas of Ohio. During the segment, Paul discussed his book Riddles of the Fourth Gospel.

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