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Nine faculty members from the School of Education attended and presented one or two papers at the American Education Research Association conference in Vancouver, B.C. in April. Presenters were: Ginny Birky, Carol Brazo, Jan Carpenter, Suzanne Harrison, Terah Moore, Brenda Morton, Linda Samek, Susanna Steeg and Yune Tran. Presentation topics included literacy, common planning time at the middle school level, the effects of international experiences on teacher candidates, school-university partnerships, teacher leadership, technology in the classroom, and more.

Ed Higgins (English) had an untitled poem published in the ezine handful of stones in the online journal’s May 8 issue. In addition, Ed’s poems “The Poetry Surgeon” and “Thought Fishing” were included in an 2012 anthology, Imago Dei: Poems from Christianity & Literature, published by Abilene Christian Press. Among others included in the anthology were Jeanne Murray Walker, Wendell Berry and Scott Cairns.

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