Comings and Goings

The undergraduate admissions department welcomed Emma Glennen as a visit coordinator this month. Emma, a native of England, moved to the U.S. last year after working two years as an early years/special needs teaching assistant at the Mayflower Community School in Plymouth, UK. Prior to that, she worked as a telephone fundraiser (2007-09) and student ambassador (2008-09) while a student at Royal Holloway University in Surrey, UK. Emma earned a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Royal Holloway, graduating with honors in 2009. She lives in Salem with her husband, Tom. They have recently starting attending Emmaus Missional Community Church in Salem.

Rob Clarke (Student Financial Services) left the university last week.

The following faculty members are leaving the university to retire or pursue other opportunities: Ron Arnold (Education), Irv Brendlinger (Religious Studies), Mark Carlton (Education), Bob Fisher (Education), Bethany Goldman (Athletic Training), Margi Macy (Education), Lisa McMinn (Sociology), Terah Moore (Education), Sue Newell (Social Work), Devorah Overbay (Nursing), Bruce Shepard (Business), Anne Sjogren (Education), Elizabeth Todd (Communication Arts) and Katy Turpen (Education).

Farewell receptions for Irv Brendlinger, Lisa McMinn and Margi Macy are scheduled this week. The gathering for Lisa will be from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18, and the farewell for Irv is set from 4:15 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 19. Both receptions will be in the Stevens Center’s Duke Atrium. A retirement reception for Margi is set from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday, April 19, in Room 117 of the Villa Academic Complex.

Lisa is transitioning out of teaching so she can “take our farming deeper, as well as my writing, speaking, and work with food justice issues,” she says. “We are growing food for 16 families this year, following the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) model that encourages people to make closer links to their food and the farmers who grow it.” She will remain connected to the university as a “writer in residence.”

Irv, who came to George Fox in 1993 after teaching for a year at the seminary, plans to do more cycling. “I’ve been getting in about 3,000 miles a year, but will increase that,” he says. “In fact, one possible idea, or hope, is to cycle the eastern part of Germany and retrace the Luther sites.” He also hopes to accomplish a few writing projects, particularly a piece connecting Luther and Wesley and another about his own life experiences and observations.

Margi plans to do more bird watching, playing with grandchildren, traveling, and “generally being useful where needed,” she says.

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