About Our People

Michael MacLeod (Political Science) gave two paper presentations – “How Corporations Get Religion: Faith-Based Activism in the Global Political Economy” and “Financial Activism and Environmental Governance” – and chaired a panel at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, held in San Diego, April 1-4.

This week marks the release of the book Dirt and the Good Life, coauthored by Mark (Graduate Psychology) and Lisa McMinn (Sociology). The authors will be in Chapters for a book signing this Wednesday, April 18, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. A reading will commence at 8 p.m. The book is a collection of stories from Fern Creek, a five-acre parcel of land where the McMinns use the Community Support Agriculture program to share the fruit of their labor with supporters.

Sarah Gibson (Cinema and Media Communication) worked on the film Blue Like Jazz as the assistant to the director in Portland. The film, which opened nationwide April 13, is based on the New York Times bestseller by Donald Miller. In addition, Sarah presented a paper last month at the Southern Academy of Legal Studies convention in San Antonio, Texas. The paper, “Snyder v. Phelps: The First Amendment vs. Outrageous Speech,” looks at the recent Supreme Court case against Westboro Baptist.

Ed Higgins (English) published a parody haiku of an 18th-century haiku master, Kobayashi Issa. Entitled “Old Issa,” it appeared in the April 1 issue of the New York-based literary journal Parody Poetry Journal. In addition, Ed’s poem “The Threat of Distance” appears in the April 2012 issue of Blue Print Review, a Germany-based online art and literary journal. Ed’s poem is illustrated with a photo-image of “Durch die Maisfelder” (“Through the Maise Fields”), by Inge Flessa-Glauner.

Theresa Schierman (Student Financial Services) and Gina Braden (Library) were named employees of the month for March and April, respectively.

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