FoxTALE fall 2012 upgrade info for faculty

Learn more about the upgrade
Join us for a 30-minute webinar that covers new features in the upgraded FoxTALE system. Webinars are scheduled for late spring and summer.

We are also hosting open lab times in Newberg and Portland during the week of May 7-11 so that you can drop in and view your course sites in the new FoxTALE or ask questions.

See the schedule.

Identify course content to be copied for fall 2012
The upgrade requires a new FoxTALE environment. We need your help to identify FoxTALE course sites with content to be copied to the new environment. We’d like to copy and move courses needed for fall 2012 first and have them copied for you before summer. Please follow these steps.

Future communications
Please watch for updates through e-nnouncements.

Please direct current questions to the Service Desk.

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