Urban Services seeks cooks to help serve homeless in Portland

Do any of you have experience as a line cook? Would you like to gain experience in the art of food service and catering?

The university’s Urban Services is seeking to help All Saints Episcopal Church in Portland, which is in need of a line cook and sous chef, plus a set-up and food serving team on the third Saturday of March and April. We are seeking six or seven students who are interested in participating in this service.

Every Saturday, the church serves lunch to 80-100 homeless people in Portland. They currently do not have anyone to help with the cooking this coming Saturday (March 17) and on April 22. Volunteers wouldn’t have to commit to both of these dates.

Ideally, we would like to put together a team of students who are interested in helping over the summer as well as during the semester.

Interested? Contact Mary Owen, Urban Services coordinator for Portland, at mowen10@georgefox.edu. I need to know before Wednesday so I can let them know if they will have help or not.

Thank you!

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