Backpack Project Collection Dates

Its time again to collect non-perishable food or make a financial donation toward bulk-food purchases for kids in need.

From March 5 to March 19, two collection sites will be provided; the first-floor lobby and upstairs atrium of the Portland Center. Donations can also be make by checks written to: Take Action, Inc.

All students, employees, and friends are encouraged to participate.

Take Action, Inc. works with 450 + students from 16 elementary schools in the Portland Metro area to ensure children from economically challenged homes have food to eat when they go home on the weekend. For more information on this organization, check-out their website at:

Below is a sample list of items that you can donate:

  • small jars of peanut butter and jelly
  • canned meats (beef, chicken, tuna)
  • non-perishable milk drinks
  • macaroni and cheese cups
  • canned meals (ravioli, stew, soups, etc)
  • instant oatmeal
  • fruit cups
  • canned vegetables
  • nuts and other healthy snacks

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