About Our People

Michael Meek, who has guided the women’s basketball team to a 21-0 record, was a guest on Ron Callan’s “Northwest Sports Tonight” radio talk show on KPAM AM 860 on Jan. 25. Michael and the Bruins are on track to repeat as Northwest Conference champions and a trip back to the NCAA Division III national tournament.

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem “A Political Parable” was included in an anthology of Occupy-related poems, Liberty’s Vigil, The Occupy Anthology (99 Poets among the 99%), published by FootHills Publishing. Contributors are from 22 states and six countries. Ed was one of only two West Coast poets among the 99 selected contributors.

Ron Mock (Political Science and Peace Studies) was appointed to fill the unexpired Zone 1 position on the Newberg School Board. The position was declared vacant last September when board member Deona Twenge moved out of the district. Ron has lived in the community since 1990 and is interested in helping the school district find creative ways to deliver excellent public education in a time of tight public finances.

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) commentary on John 1-3 was published in The Evangelical Commentary on the Bible (edited by Gary Burge, Baker), and his major essay, “The Origin and Development of the Johannine Egō Eimi Sayings in Cognitive-Critical Perspective,” was published in the Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus (Vol. 9, pp. 139-206). Also, at the national SBL/AAR meetings in San Francisco, he reviewed Urban Von Wahlde’s three-volume Commentary on the Gospel and Letters of John (Eerdmans) and responded to five papers on “Archaeology and the Fourth Gospel” in the John, Jesus, and History Group. Finally. he also organized two sessions of the Quaker Theological Discussion Group, at which Howard Macy reviewed the Autobiography of Allen Jay. At the QTDG business meeting, Howard was approved to follow Paul as editor of Quaker Religious Thought; Paul concluded his 11 years as editor with the publishing of a double issue (#s 116-117) of QRT in December.

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