Please return U.S. Postal Service items before Nov. 26

Are you using a United States Postal Service tray to stow away items around the house or office? Do you use any to transport department mail on campus? If so, it’s time to return them to the owner.

Postal inspectors say that, effective Nov. 26, they will resume their efforts to recover missing and stolen Mail Transport Equipment (MTE) and also seek prosecution against offenders. The resumption of criminal enforcement comes after the postal service offered a two-week amnesty period, encouraging anyone who was in possession of postal service equipment to return it – no questions asked.

“Theft of postal equipment is a federal crime. Replacing missing equipment last year cost the postal service $50 million – money that it can ill afford,” said Guy Cottrell, chief postal inspector. U.S.P.S. says previous efforts to recover MTE and prosecute offenders have been successful.

In 2008, postal inspectors launched the Equipment Recovery Project, an effort to return MTE that leaked out of the postal service network. Since then, postal inspectors have recovered almost 200,000 pieces of MTE, including pallets, trays and tubs, worth more than $4 million.

If you have any U.S. Postal Service tubs or trays, please bring them to Mail Services so they can be returned to the U.S.P.S. Thanks for your cooperation.

– Mail Services

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