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Debra Drecnik Worden (Business) received the Abramson Scroll for her outstanding contribution to the National Association for Business Economics journal Business Economics. She shared the honor with coauthor Diane Schooley-Pettis of Boise State University. The two authored “Fueling the Credit Crisis: Who Uses Consumer Credit and What Drives Debt Burden?” Each year, the journal’s editorial board reviews the feature articles published and votes to select those considered exceptional. The Abramson Scroll is presented to the authors of the outstanding article.

Recent past recipients of the Abramson Scroll include applied economists at the National Federation of Independent Business, the CATO Institute, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Federal Reserve Board, and faculty at Temple and Yale universities. This is the first award made to a faculty member of a liberal arts institution.

Viki Defferding (Communication Arts/Spanish) presented a paper, “Culture & Language through Cuisine, o sea, ¡buen provecho!,” at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 2011 conference in Scottsdale, Ariz., Oct 6-8.

Don Powers (Biology) had his manuscript, entitled “Respiratory evaporative water loss during hovering and forward flight in hummingbirds,” accepted for publication in the journal Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Coauthors of the study include former students Phil Getsinger (son of Jenny Getsinger) and Sean Powers (Don Powers’ son).

Melanie Newell (Center for Peace and Justice/Center for Global Studies) spoke at the University of San Francisco Nov. 4 about the human rights issues in the Philippines and the “Free the 43” campaign conducted at George Fox last year. The event was titled “A Roundtable Discussion on Human Rights in the Philippines in the Case of the Morong 43.” Last year, Melanie helped organize an effort on campus to bring attention to the “Morong 43,” a group of health workers who were unjustly detained in a Filipino military prison for 297 days.

Jim Steele (Business) led a concurrent workshop titled “Are We There Yet?: Where is the Road to Strategic HR Taking Us?” at the Northwest Human Resource Association’s annual conference in Bellevue, Wash., Oct. 5-7. On the same trip, he also gave a guest lecture to business students at his undergraduate alma mater, Trinity Lutheran College in Everett, Wash.

Have e-Colleague news to share? Send it to Sean Patterson at spatterson@georgefox.edu.

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