About Our People

Tom Head (Economics and International Studies) participated in “Ethics Matter: A Conversation with Peter Singer” at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs in New York City on Oct. 6. An audio recording of the conversation is available on the Carnegie Council website.

Ed Gierok (Security Services) was inaugurated as president of the Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators on Sept. 30. He will serve a one-year term and then sit on the board the year after that. In other security news, all full-time security staff and student officers have been certified over the past year in C-CERT (Campus Community Emergency Response Team).

Ed Higgins (English) spent the week of Sept. 25-30 in New Zealand teaching an intensive environmental literature course to American students in a semester-abroad program with a Christian focus on environmental stewardship. The Creation Care Study Program has a number of Christian College Consortium and CCCU participating institutions (including George Fox) and offers both fall and spring semesters in Belize as well as New Zealand. Corey Beals (Religious Studies) and Clint Baldwin (Center for Peace and Justice/Global Studies) have also taught theology of creation courses for the program.

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) new introduction to John, The Riddles of the Fourth Gospel, is featured on the online journal Bible and Interpretation (“Addressing the Johannine Riddles—A New Introduction”), and the book was reviewed in a two-hour session in meetings at Gonzaga University. Also, Paul’s essay “John and Qumran: Discovery and Interpretation over Sixty Years” was published in John, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Sixty Years of Discovery and Debate, and he reviewed the chapter on “The Essenes” in Beyond the Qumran Community by John Collins, at the West Coast Dead Sea Scrolls Consultation at Lewis and Clark College.

Finally, Paul’s paper, “Authentic Worship in the Johannine and Lukan Traditions,” was presented in the Johannine Seminar of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas meetings at Bard College, Annandale on Hudson, N.Y., in August.

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